Friday, 12 February 2016

Why Writing?

As said previously, I've always known I wanted to be a writer.
I didn't exactly choose that path, it kind of chose me.

Before I could write English properly, I created my own language that I wrote pages and pages of in a little notebook, I still have it somewhere. Granted it was just scribbles, slightly reminiscent of cursive writing (very slightly)  that didn't make and sort of sense to anyone other than I but just the simple act of writing made me happy.When other children my age struggled with the concept of the alphabet, I took to it like a duck to water. The abstract symbols that we use to convey language are meaningless shapes that we have assigned meaning.

In studying for my Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature I have learned much in the way of language. I have taken courses on the origin of language, writing and storytelling, only further strengthening my passion for writing.

 I have a wealth of stories to tell, and only times to do so.

Monday, 8 February 2016

The Importance of Social Networking

Nowdays everyone and their mother is using some form of social network.

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Periscope, Twitch.

They are all part of day to day life.
Everyone needs to be connected at every moment.

An online presence is absolutely necessary to be taken seriously, as a freelancer or independent contractor in most lines of work. Being independently employed means I am on social media most of my waking hours; trying to network with prospective clients or connecting with current clients.

Constant connection makes the world a very small place.
Prospective clients can be anywhere in the world, but with an internet connection can be instantly contacted at any time of day.

I am a strong supporter of the social media platform, it has its place in doing business though it is quite easy to spend hours wasting time scrolling through your Newsfeed.

Everything requires moderation, even time wasting.

Life of a Freelancer

I have dreamed of freelancing for a very long time.
Now I have been doing it for a month now, its not as fun as it looks.
Freelancing is a stressful lifestyle, not just a means of making money.
Most people think that any dummy with a laptop can make money writing. NOPE.

I have always had a talent for writing, ever since I wrote my first short story at six years old, I knew I wanted to be a writer.

I am confident in my talent as a writer, I know I am skilled and I know that I can make a career out of it. Creating a career out of nothing takes a lot of patience and hard work.

Building a client base out of nothing, networking, and sleepless night are all part of the freelance life.
Rarely do I have a week where I work less than 40 hours, staring at my computer for the most part; writing, researching, editing, emailing. That is the life.

Friday, 8 January 2016


Welcome to my blog.

My name is Kathleen Davies, I am a native English speaker with a strong command of the language. I am in university, studying to get a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature.
I have designed this to be space to collect examples of my work.
My goal is to have a career as an online content creator.

This blog will mostly be article style blogs of various topics, giving examples of how I write and as a way to organize my skill for prospective clients.
So thank you for stopping by and hopefully you like what you see.